Crew Member Nomination

Crew Member Nomination

Crew Member Nomination

One of the hardest jobs we have as hiring managers is to find the right fit for the store.. Let’s talk about Tanasia. I remember over the period of time during the pandemic, how hard this one employee would work. We would be so short staffed, and there she was, trying to do not one thing, but many. I remember seeing in her face that she was overwhelmed.. I would take her aside and say, it’s ok, you’ve got this. She would just smile at me and say,  I know Liz. I’m ok. Tanasia gives off a great aura. She comes to work every day, in her uniform, but never forgets the final touches, a smile. And her smile shines the brightest. Not only is it bright but it’s contagious. And during this whole time during the pandemic, that is what we have needed. A smile. A smile like Tanasia’s to brighten the arches and our hearts. She is, one of kind. And very very special to this store!

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